Вышла новая версия PrestaShop v1.6.1.5 Stable

Доброго времени суток, друзья. Как Ваши дела? Давно не было новостей, PrestaShop уже давненько как выпустил новую стабильную версию движка.
Вышла новая версия PrestaShop v1.6.1.5 Stable

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Основные изменения:

# v1.6.1.5 - (2016-04-08)

Fixed bugs:

[-] PDF : (9f7ab92) update constraints on Addresses display
[-] PDF : (e7103c4) updated b2b template
[-] PDF : (e0bde47) invoices printing now done as page groups to keep the pagination relevant
[-] PDF : (3464ca0) fixed pagination block display
[-] PDF : (a788652) Moved note block to his own remplate
[-] PDF : (b5ef9f2) (re) added shipping box in invoice

[-] FO : (331527c) Fix incorrect cart rules list in case of country restriction (PSCSX-7873)
[-] FO : (a343610) PSCSX-7449, fix parse error in AuthController.php
[-] FO : (42d8847) #PSCSX-5582 fix wrong displayed specific price on product detail
[-] FO : (755f77b) Fix warning if combinations are disabled
[-] FO : (05b701f) Fix combination price calculation with impact and reduction
[-] FO : (b1352d7) Fix JavaScript mistake in blocklayered.js
[-] FO : (8ee195a) fixed bug on payment module, check if defined $order object

[-] CORE : (9870d84) use a cached cacert file for curl
[-] CORE : (deebce3) Fixed double preg_quote()

[-] BO : (647eba0) Fix the display of the listing filters on the toolbar
[-] BO : (6e69c4a) Change only active state on bulk status change
[-] BO : (69b87a8) Fix incorrect shipping taxes in order slips (PSCSX-4881)
[-] BO : (44eb96c) Fix filter by category change not working after other actions. …
[-] BO : (76d53ac) add error message on upload theme bigger than post_max_size

[-] LO : (011a2e5) Traditionnal Chinese for HK pack

[-] TR : (948a3e5) language.xml - fix TW script

[-] SECURITY : (cc49345) Fixes PSCSX-4841 Usage of ECB mode

[-] CLASS : (7234efd) Alias / return false if feature is not active in aliasExists()

[-] MO : (de7e9aa) bankwire / correct module name for translation

Improved/changed features:

[*] CORE : (85e6025) Update swift mailer
[*] CORE : (81465fe) Add a fallback to curl when file_get_content() return an empty response

[*] TR : (4b3ddf5) Update Polish installer
[*] TR : (62bbc16) feature.xml in Vietnamese
[*] TR : (1cce929) Update italian installer
[*] TR : (5319857) Improve Dutch meta info

[*] CLASS : (ec03391) Hook / indicate which method to use for deprecated methods

[*] FO : (999ff45) Removed template logic that is not needed

Added Features:

[+] TR : (30c4adc) Adding Vietnamese installer


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