Вышла новая версия PrestaShop v1.6.1.2 RC1

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Вышла новая версия PrestaShop v1.6.1.2 RC1

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Основные изменения:

# v1.6.1.2 - (2015-09-23)

Fixed bugs:

[-] CORE : Adding few casts to ValidateOrder
[-] CORE : Error in foreign field name
[-] CORE : Follow up https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/2509/files
[-] CORE : Report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3964
[-] CORE : Report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3963
[-] CORE : Fixed currency convertion
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5357, inconsistent cart rule country restriction
[-] CORE : Allow invoice template override
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6798, add index on search_index table
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6797, hard coded table name in configuration class
[-] CORE : Typo report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3995
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6719, bad cache on colors list on attribute deletion
[-] CORE : Again and again fix #PSCSX-6719, bad cache_default_attribute on attribute group deletion
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6814, bad sql query in Lanqguage::loadUpdateSQL()
[-] CORE : Order::hasDelivery new return type
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6755, Notice: Undefined variable: delivery_address in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6632, Property StockAvailable->id_product is empty
[-] CORE : Bad norm function getCountry
[-] CORE : Revert of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/2509
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6637, incorrect cart total
[-] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5273 Reflect 6 decimals for product weight according db structure
[-] CORE : Fix case statement in HTMLTemplateInvoice
[-] CORE : Fix colon in switch statement
[-] CORE : Remove leftover symbol in Translate.php
[-] CORE : Stock synchronization fails in case of shared warehouse
[-] CORE : #PSCSX-6577, could not load bootstrap-sortable.js with Chrome
[-] CORE : DbMySQLi + socket

[-] BO : Bad sql association for date_upd of product and categories, could not reorder
[-] BO : Partial report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3853
[-] BO : fixed bug Unable to translate header
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6834 Enable product pack and product dematerialized for redirection product (Moved 301)
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6834 Enable product pack and product dematerialized for accessories
[-] BO : fix column icon width
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6663, bad table id after DND
[-] BO : Fix use of custom class with textarea (even if autoload_rte not set)
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6801, AdminBackupControllerCore and timeout
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6795, Catalog Rule for a specific shop do not save shop_id
[-] BO : Group by on currencies on AdminSpecificPriceRule
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6667, bad action display when sub categories disabled
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6753, parse serror when quotes in import file name
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6804, could not bulk delete attributes
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6752, bad id for email translations toggle
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6743, possible Exception in product tabs loading
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6723, could not re enable module on devices
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6718, virtual product Duplicate entry
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6687, commas in carrier prices wizard
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6664, product date_upd when position change
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6664, category date_upd when position change
[-] BO : Fix performance issue with tags
[-] BO : #PSCSX-6658, wrong escaping in helpers/form/form.tpl
[-] BO : undefined var in AdminProducts
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6636 modules logo witdh
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6629 typo Warehouse::$idintval
[-] BO : Fix #SCSX-6588, wrong "back o list" href on AdminCategories
[-] BO : name of select multiple in Form Helper TPL
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-5442 cart rules don't retain customer name/email on error
[-] BO : Fix issue with smarty lazy cache & timestamp (PSCSX-6601)
[-] BO : Fix issue with smarty lazy cache & timestamp
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-5271, notices on order statuses
[-] BO : Duplicate currencies in AdminCountries in multishop
[-] BO : Fix issue with cover image (PSCSX-6473)
[-] BO : Fix product import dates
[-] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6583 / You can now have a "from" date and a "to" date like '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
[-] BO : Pass empty firstname and lastname email vars to mail template

[-] MO : #PSCSX-6820 related
[-] MO : NM-188 Correct points on product load in loyalty

[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5447, no validation on non multishop filed in multishop
[-] FO : Report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3928
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5182, for newsletter flag for customer if previously registred as guet
[-] FO : fix when clicking filters labels, not checkbox. Fixed an #3337 reported on 1.6.1.x
[-] FO : Footer fix in default-bootstrap theme: nocache on copyright year #3351 reported on 1.6.1.x
[-] FO : #PSCSX-6820 part 2/2
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6770, bad redirection to my account in accordion footer
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6749, OrderHistory multishop getCustomerOrders shared orders
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6701, notice on customizedDatas
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6699, Table 'ps_product_reductions' already exists
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6661 Fatal error Property CustomerThread->id_order is not valid
[-] FO : Possible error Cannot read property 'iso_code' of undefined
[-] FO : Possible undefined function binduniform
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5669, $errors_discount dead code, report of https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/3076
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-4707, new products name in columns
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-4898, possible fatal error in products-comparison
[-] FO : Avoid possible undefined vars in global.js
[-] FO : minimum order value outside order steps
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5445, take account of PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in file manager config
[-] FO : Css fix #PSCSX-5408, TOS width on small devices
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5319, dead code in product-list.tpl
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5483, missing nofollow in pagination.tpl
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-5261, no alt on subcategories images
[-] FO : Avoid displaying payment message
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6492, negative prices on product page
[-] FO : Fix issue with multishop / multilanguage tags
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-4899, Search alias for words containing hyphens fail
[-] FO : Fix current_url variable used in pagination
[-] FO : Fix #PSCSX-6582, could not change currency with PS_DETECT_COUNTRY
[-] FO : #PSCSX-5459 Add to cart button for accessories

[-] INSTALL : Fix possible duplicate hook

[-] IN : Fix #PSCSX-6700, could not install in Czech, missing translation for fixtures data, still needs translation to be done

[-] CLASS : Category / Use DB delete() method in deleteCategoriesFromShop()
[-] CLASS : Category / Use DB delete() method in cleanGroups() & cleanAssoProducts();
[-] CLASS : Product / Use DB delete() method in cleanGroups()
[-] CLASS : Customer / Give the possibility to filter on active field in getCustomers()
[-] CLASS : Cart / Correct cache_key name for getOrderedCartRulesIds()
[-] CLASS : Product / Use DB delete() method in deleteAccessories() & deleteFromAccessories() methods
[-] CLASS : Product / Change getDefaultIdProductAttribute() method
[-] CLASS : Product / Change getIdProductAttributeMostExpensive() method
[-] CLASS : Product / Use null direclty instead of create new var as null
[-] CLASS : Product / Call orderbyPrice only if there are some results

[-] TEST : Removing PrestaFraud scoring test

[-] PDF : #PSCSX-6569 Could not translate "Free Shipping" in pdf

[-] TR : #PSCSX-5938 Emails not copied into theme folder

Improved/changed features:

[*] CORE : #PSCSX-3181, follow up https://gist.github.com/hereswhatidid/8c8edef106ee95138b03 implements data-keepinline for scripts not being defered
[*] CORE : Media::getMediaPath improved
[*] CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5772 & #PSCSX-4666, enable invoice number reset
[*] CORE : #PSCSX-3576, add category thumbnail

[*] BO : Fix max width 96px on module logo on "not trusted module" popin. #3356 reported of 1.6.1.x
[*] BO : makes picking products easier
[*] BO : Fix #PSCSX-4024 removing extra sapace at end of product names and url rewrite
[*] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6132 Add search_contains in chosen init
[*] BO : Fix #PSCSX-6570, id_connections in last connections
[*] BO : #NM-305 add driver in AdminInformation
[*] BO : Meta title and description use textarea

[*] MO : Blocklanguages add hreflang and rel alternate to the links for a better SEO and avoid duplicate content

[*] INSTALL : Alter ignore drop key is now generic and fix an error
[*] INSTALL : The indexes are now safely removed


а что новенького то? а то по списку сразу так и не понять = )
Та как всегда исправление багов и оптимизация.
спасибо Вам за новости, часто вас читаю.
Если что новенькое в релизе появляется, пишите в тексте пожалуйста. т.к мне, наверное и многим, по этому списку непонятно ничего :)
Та кардинально новое уже будет скорее всего в PrestaShop 1.7.
ага, вот и захожу в надежде ее увидеть быстрее))
для меня это новый двиг, не следил раннее за версиями.
это он так и будет шагать -->>
или могут перескакивать? :)
Уже готовы PrestaShop v1.6.1.2 RC2, PrestaShop v1.6.1.2 RC3. Скорее всего будет PrestaShop v1.6.1.2 стабильная.
а где черпаете инфу, что готовы данные релизы?
Из облаков:) На днях выложу релизы на сайт.
вышла v1.6.1.2 Stable :)
Да завтра будет новость на сайте.
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